Confidential assignments are non-violent measures in conflict situations.
Any assignment to a private detective is confidential, but we offer services of a confidential nature of a completely different kind and this is know-how in the market of detective services in Russia.
The state has the greatest impact on people with its executive, judicial and legislative branches of government.
But what if the state institutions are unable to stop illegal or other harmful activities?
A specialized group of athletes, masters of sports in hand-to-hand combat can be very persuasive in negotiations, even if the opponent is determined.
Our specialists, former members of special forces, know how to convince only by their appearance and behavior, without resorting to violence.
When do you need confidential, non-violent assignments?
- Refusal to sign upon receipt of papers
- Dodging obligations
- When suppressing unwanted contacts, including among adolescents
- Unwanted trips
- Receiving threats
- In any conflict situation related to possible physical and material damage
What is our advantage?
In contrast to individual protection, which can only suppress illegal actions, our specialists have the skills of psychological techniques that make it possible to nullify a conflict situation, initiate a new constructive dialogue in the interests of the customer. In this case, the client himself is not obliged to be present at the negotiations.
The secret of our negotiators’ success lies in their vast experience of work in law enforcement agencies, participation in negotiations with terrorists and extortionists. This invaluable experience has a huge impact on opponents, and subtle psychological processing using the latest methods makes them indispensable in confidential tasks of this kind.
The psychological impact can be different, but it never goes beyond the law. This is a fine line that our detective agency specialists will not cross.